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今年5月,連鎖快餐店麥當勞和一些來自挪威及俄羅斯的大型漁業企業宣佈,在各地政府協議將部份北極水域劃為海洋保護區之前(包括禁止底拖網捕魚橫行海洋和勘探石油),也不會將捕魚範圍,進一步擴張至挪威以北、毗鄰北冰洋的巴倫支海(Barents Sea)。


1. 過度捕撈


Sea birds following German flagged trawler Maartje Theadora, controlled by the Dutch company PFA (Pelagic Freezer Association) fishing for Herring in the English Channel around November and December every year during the Autumn Spawning. Greenpeace is documenting the discard of bycatch in the English Channel claiming many of these monster boats are highgrading their catch, discarding parts of it to increase its market value. Official reports of former fishing activities reveal how one vessel in one single trip dumped up to 600 tonnes of fish, the equivalent to 2 million meals.

2. 混獲


3. 動搖海床


4. 危害珊瑚

不僅位處熱帶的海洋,才見珊瑚,許多珊瑚品種均棲身冰冷的深海之中,有些更存活數千年之久,但如果被「海洋推土機」輾過,數秒間便會化為烏有。以佛羅里達和紐西蘭為例,有97%至99%的深海珊瑚被底拖網破壞(State of the World’s Oceans, 2009, Springer)。

Fishing vessel Adrar is discarding an estimated 60 tonnes of sardines outside Dahkla. According to the watchdog NGO Western Sahara Resource Watch a total of 1000 tonnes of fish is said to have been discarded by Adrar alone during 2013.A new Greenpeace report, Exporting Exploitation: How retired EU fishing vessels are devastating West African fish stocks and undermining the rights of local people, shows how both EU fishing and Norwegian  vessels are being exported to fish in the controversial waters of the territory of Western Sahara, occupied by Morocco.Adrar was exported from Norway to a Moroccan company operating in Western Saharan waters early in 2013. Before the export the Fishing vessel was refurbished in Fiskebäck on the Swedish west coast.

5. 摧毀無數海洋生物的家園





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