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作者:綠色和平森林項目主任Cristiane Mazzetti

Nuvem de fumaça proveniente de queimada cobre a floresta em Lábrea, Amazonas. Em agosto de 2016, o Greenpeace sobrevoou a Amazônia para localizar e registrar focos de queimadas e incêndios florestais. A temporada de queimadas deste ano já é considerada como uma das piores da história.A cloud of smoke coming from forest fires covers the forest in Lábrea, Amazonas state. In August 2016, Greenpeace flew over the Amazon to search for and register forest fires spots. This year's forest fire season is already being considered one of the worst ever.


1. 今年上半年,亞馬遜雨林有27,814宗火警報告,是有史以來同期最多,較平均高出81%: 大部份的大火均是人為造成。

2. 從1979年至2013年間,亞馬遜大火焚燒的日數,一年比一年多。

Burnt area in the influence zone of  BR 163. The deforestation, especially in the Amazon, is responsible for 75% of the Brazilian greenhouse gases emissions, putting the country as the 4th world´s top polluter of the climate.

3. 亞馬遜雨林破壞帶來的溫室氣體排放,佔巴西全國溫室氣體排放的30%,當中約一半迅速進入大氣層,直接影響全球暖化。

Burnt area in the influence zone of  BR 163. The deforestation, especially in the Amazon, is responsible for 75% of the Brazilian greenhouse gases emissions, putting the country as the 4th world´s top polluter of the climate.

4. 每年亞馬遜雨林消失的面積高達6,000平方公里 ,面積等同四個巴西城市里約熱內盧,也相當於76個香港島。

5. 2015年,巴西政府表示直至2030年方可徹底遏止非法砍伐樹木罪行,亞馬遜雨林仍需承受多14年無情大火與侵擾。


全球氣候暖化,加速雨林乾枯,您我必須阻止一場又一場的亞馬遜雨林大火,避免當地生態墜進惡性循環 ─ 雨林愈是乾枯,愈容易觸發大火,直至雨林燒毀殆盡。


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