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1. 飛機佔了全球二氧化碳排放量的2.5%

Nov/Dec 2011 - Stock photo shoot - Greenpeace Int - Transport, Travel - Manchester Airport in the City of Manchester within Greater Manchester, UK. In 2010 it was 4th busiest airport in the United Kingdom in terms of passenger numbers,[2] and the busiest airport in the UK outside the London region. It was also the 3rd busiest UK airport in terms of total aircraft movements, and the 24th busiest airport in Europe.   The airport has two parallel runways, three terminals, a goods terminal, and a ground transport interchange, including a railway station and is one of only 17 airports in the world with the highest 'Category 10' rating enabling the airport to handle larger 'Code F' aircraft.[8] meaning from September 2010 the airport could handle the world's largest passenger plane, the Airbus A380.[9].  On every flight to New York and back, each traveller emits about 1.2t of CO2, using Department for Transport figures. This compares to an average British personal total of 9.5t. To get down to a fair share of the world’s total, this must be cut by 87%, leaving 1.2t. Air travel is really worse than this because it puts out more pollution than just CO2. For example water vapour at high levels forms thin clouds that have a warming effect. We can see trails visibly blanketing the earth. This and other effects mean that air travel has more than twice the warming effect of the carbon dioxide alone. So each flight adds more to climate change than we should be emitting altogether.

哪個地方是您旅行至愛地?在2014年,港人最愛的外遊地點是台北。假設每個香港人平均一年去一次台北旅行,二氧化碳排放量可達573,412,000 公斤,相等於121,124架私家車駕駛一年的溫室氣體排放量,需要14,860,628棵樹苗生長十年,才能吸盡這些二氧化碳。去旅行又想環保,您我怎麼辦?除了選擇短程旅遊,或以火車及船代步,如果長途旅行,可多選直航機,再以海陸交通輔助。此外目前有企業推出碳信用額,市民可購買碳信用額,抵消二氧化碳的排放,這些碳信用額,將投資在各項可再生能源項目。

2. 旅行與砍伐樹林有關?


3. 用完即棄用品急增

20061031 INTERNATIONAL WATERS : CENTRAL NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN  Marine Conservationist Charles Moore displays a toothbrush found in the Central North Pacific Ocean Tuesday 31st October 2006. Greenpeace are highlighting the threat that plastic poses to the world's oceans.GREENPEACE / ALEX HOFFORD



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